Thursday 26 May 2011

Rocky Roads for a … bumpy path

The road to the Transkei is not a short one, nor is it an even one, for that matter.
Although I would like to tell a tale of panoramic views, laughter and licking of lips on our African road trip, I am perhaps more inclined to tell the truth in this case. The tale begins with an early morning frantic packing of the car, which was made no easier by certain sausage dogs refusing to believe that they were not invited and staging a sitting protest in the car, not ideal. Dachshunds out and humans in, we set out with Presley Bay in mind, only 500 kilometers to go…
As the sun started to rise, engulfed by menacing grey clouds, we exchanged comforting words of how the weather is always better in the Transkei.
When we eventually reached Mthatha for our last port of call at the supermarket and bottle store, our positive outlook was shattered as we dodged some colossal hailstones in a frantic bolt for the safety of the car.

They say when it rains, it pours and I can assure you, they weren’t lying. Windows were fogged, the windscreen wipers put up one hell of a fight and the car’s suspension was kissed goodbye to as we reached the end of man made road and continued our pilgrimage on gravel road.

So things were bad. Well, they weren’t good and our driver was experiencing a sense of humour failure of note. As thunder and lightning joined the party we were officially out of the frying pan and into the fire. Until, two things saved us. One of these things came in a tin, a tin which I had forgotten about until its persistent jabbing in my side led me to investigate this unruly bag which had escaped from its entourage of other luggage.

Our edible savior was in the form of a fresh batch of homemade snickers rocky roads, and save us they did. Our other rescuer sung to us and told us what to do. ‘Emancipate ourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our minds… ‘ He said, and so we did, bite by bite.

The recipe for our chocolate emancipation goes like this:

4 Snickers, chopped
1 cup Rice Krispies
150g Marshmallows, chopped into small chunks
150g Peanuts
400g Milk Chocolate
2 Tbsp Oil

Melt chocolate with oil in a large pot over a low heat, when melted - stir to combine and add all of your other ingredients to the pot. Mix until everything is coated and evenly combined spread onto a lined baking tray (I used 19x29cm).
Leave to set on the counter and cut into generous chunks.

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